Outdoor Wi-Fi powered workspace. State-of-the-art fitness centers. On-site coffee and farm-to-table dining. Game rooms and bocce ball.
We’re in the middle of an amenities war and it’s easy for companies to focus their attention on the latest and greatest must-haves. But as a broker, you know that finding the right space for customers is about more than just ticking off a list of design features, amenities and technology. It’s also about selecting space that will feel right for the company and its employees.
What is “Place Identity” and Why Does It Matter for Workplace Selection?
Employees are happiest in a workplace that reflects their identity. For example, people who see themselves as creative and dynamic feel best in an environment that conveys those qualities.
We call this sense of belonging “place identity” and it’s at the heart of every Irvine Company Office workplace.

When place identity is high, employees are more engaged and enthusiastic in their work, communicate more with colleagues, and forge a stronger connection with their employer. This boosts retention rates and improves productivity. “Place identity” transforms an office into a vibrant workplace community.
When showing different workplaces to prospective tenants, consider how the following elements can help drive place identity for your customer’s employees:
Successful workplace design intentionally enhances an employee’s sense of belonging through aesthetic and environmental choices. From custom wall colors and furniture to optimum daylight levels and indoor temperature, this control empowers companies to shape their workspace to reflect their needs, values and preferences. At Irvine Company, our customer service and operational excellence further support companies in optimizing the benefits of their space for their employees.
Today’s work environments have so many offerings – technology, amenities, and myriad workspace options – that it can leave employees overwhelmed and features underutilized. Thoughtful workplace design gives employees space to collaborate, space to focus, and space to rejuvenate. It’s not about packing as many amenities as possible into a space; it’s about selecting the right amenities that bring genuine value to an employee’s day.
When we design a workplace, we design communities that position our customers’ businesses to flourish. We are designing for the individual employee, the company as a whole, and for visitors to the workspace. We’re looking at the micro-communities on a single office floor, in an entire building, and across a campus. We’re studying the experience of people in these spaces. How do people make connections? Where are they naturally drawn? What are their needs? By studying these interactions, we can future-proof our spaces, designing for opportunity and creating a workplace where people genuinely feel good.